”The Ear” is a New Information Generator. You are everywhere and nowhere, all at once : The sounds of forgotten conversations, voices of loved ones, talks delivered via wire, crosscut with various tone poems (music(s)), with the hope of formulating new dream theories. You are listening to a conversation that took place in Heaven, some time ago. The voices of : Charles Bukowski, Raymond Carver, George Cowdery, Thom DeJesu, Kim Gordon, Courtney Love, Thurston Moore, Cody Ranaldo, Lee Ranaldo, Leah Singer. Sounds by : Kim Gordon, Takehisa Kosugi, Thurston Moore, Jim O’Rourke, Lee Ranaldo, Steve Shelley, William Winant. Lee Ranaldo, co-founder of avant-garde rock group Sonic Youth, was born in 1956 in East Norwich, NY. In addition to constant touring with Sonic Youth, Ranaldo has been extremely active in the New York music scene for the past 20 years, recording and collaborating with numerous acts, producing discs, and publishing several books of poetry and journal entries. www.sonicyouth.com/dotsonics/lee |